$1.99 Domains at Yahoo Small Business

February 28, 2009

Just found this while searching for a domain to register today.  Yahoo has first year domain registration at $1.99 in their small business section.   Good deal 😉


GSiteCrawler Review

February 27, 2009

I’ve found this great tool for creating a Sitemap, quickly (well depending on the number of URLs you have), and fairly easily (after overcoming the learning curve) with a good amount of options.

Unlike online Sitemap tools which usually limit you to 500 or so pages, which can be not enough especially if you have a blog with many posts, GSiteCrawler is downloadable and runs off your computer, sending a network of spiders to fetch your site information.

You can customize settings, such as URLs not to crawl, parameters to drop, etc. and the options for outputting files after finishing a crawl is quite extravagant (many, many different options including CSV files and GZip files).  There are other programs you can buy, but this one is definitely getting the job done. 

You can download a copy free (opensource) at http://gsitecrawler.com/en/download/.  Happy crawling!

Ask.com Follows Canonical Tag Suit

February 27, 2009

Ask.com is now claiming to follow in Google’s recent footsteps of obeying a canonical url tag to claim a base page for any pages on a site. Looks like Ask is still alive and kicking in the search engine marketplace. More can be found here. http://www.webmasterworld.com/ask_jeeves_teoma/3856744.htm God bless.

Great New Banner Tool – BannerSketch

February 27, 2009

If you are looking to create a banner, I have found a free online tool that comes in handy and does a very nice job. You can find it at http://www.bannersketch.com/?pid=generator&pag=1&opt=2 and it gives you the option of creating a banner from many different templates. I have one up from this site over at http://www.jesusdevotionals.org. I’ve used it a couple of times and highly recommend it. Take care!

WordPress Finally Fixes Plug-in Search Feature

February 24, 2009

It’s about time. I always had to go to the big ‘G’ Google to find anything I wanted WordPress related when it came to plugins. Now you can do it easily from their site. Here’s the news release.


Claims that they have upgraded to a new ‘Sphinx’ search engine and left the old one behind. Also works in your WordPress Dashboard too. Thanks guys!

Firebug Releases New 1.3.3.

February 24, 2009

If you are a Firebug fan like I am and you are using Firefox, you will be happy to know that there is a new version, 1.3.3 released just recently.  I happily downloaded and installed this update and continued on my merry way.   Hope you can do the same.  Support Firebug.  🙂

Friday the 13th – A History Lesson

February 17, 2009

So ever wonder where we get Friday the 13th from, and what makes it so spooky? Well, historians believe that it was possibly connected to a book written in the earlier 20th century called Friday the 13th about the stock market crash of the 20’s. So maybe it’s not totally acurate (but maybe it is), but it’s pretty interesting none the less! Don’t be too spook!

Google Adds Canonical URL Tag

February 17, 2009

If you are worried about duplicate content, Matt Cutts at Google has just anounced a new rel=”canonical” tag that can be placed in the header of a page to keep duplicate dynamic content of the same page from being indexed twice or multiple times. More here

Kansas Delays Tax Refunds

February 17, 2009

On the brink of economic crisis, the state of Kansas joins the ranks of California in delay tax refunds to its citizens. Link

My Thoughts on the Super Bowl

February 2, 2009

Last night was quite an interesting game. Rooting for the Steelers, it was amazing to see them pull out an upset in the last 40 seconds of play with an amazing catch by Santonio Holmes in the corner of the endzones, absolutly destroying the heart of the Cardinal’s team and Arizona fans. You don’t see games like that very often, especially Super Bowl games, down to the wire, almost going into overtime. Well, we know Steeler country is happy tonight. God bless.