Feedburner Showing Two Different Types of Feeds?

June 16, 2009

I’ve noticed something today after a post over at webmaster-talk.com. Apparently Feedburner chooses to show two different types of feeds even under the same URL. I’m not sure what it was that triggers one or the other, or how to even fix it, but I have noticed that one of the source code feeds is in HTML whereas the other is in XML. Is this an error in Feedburner and what makes it determine which one to show? Anyone know?

Playing Around with Feeds – Feedburner

June 1, 2009

Ok, so today I’ve been checking out feeds, you know, the ones that your website or blog software might automatically create, yet you never know what to do with them 🙂 So anyways, I wanted to see how many readers I currently have at a couple of sites. Using a popular service called Feedburner, I’ve managed to create new links, and also reroute the old links to the new Feedburner ones. Also you can get an update of how many readers you currently might have (a useful feature). I’ll see how it goes and keep playing around with it (there are a lot of settings).

I’ve already burned JesusDevotionals feed at Feed. This is really a good program, (Feedburner), I don’t like the idea of losing control of my URL (which you can set to redirect), but I guess it’s the only way. I’ll let you know how it goes. Next to come, Top Country Videos feed!

Check out this site for more info.  Rss Feeds